How to deal with the stressors of the silly season

Just like that December has come around again, and with that we welcome Silly Season! The holidays bring upon so much joy and happiness, however we often forget to look after ourselves during this chaotic period. There always feels like there is so much to do.
How do you cope with the stress of the Silly Season? Do you find yourself avoiding the shops? Do you plan ahead? Do you reach out to family/ friends?
Following are a few tips/reminders for your Silly Season:
- Take time for yourself
During this period, we are often so focussed on everybody else that we forget to enjoy the season ourselves. In all the planning, make sure you take time to watch a movie, treat yourself with a walk, or indulge in some yummy food. Our usual routines often feel neglected during this period, so maintaining some structure can also assist in reducing the stress. - Recognise your triggers
As humans, many things can be stressful for us. By being able to identify what exactly triggers your Silly Season stress, will make it easier for you to manage it! It may be helpful to share these triggers with someone close to you, so they can also help support you if you are faced with one and get through the Silly Season stress together! Contain the perfectionist
Christmas often involves celebrating with family and friends, some of which you haven’t seen in a long time. Therefore, we find ourselves setting high expectations of the event, trying to ensure everything is perfect and running smoothly, that we forget to focus on just being present with those around us. Leave the mess for tomorrow, tell that perfectionist self-critic to take a hike and enjoy Christmas for what it means to you!- Refrain from comparing
This year has been like no other. We have experienced multiple lockdowns and such a high level of uncertainty, that a lot of us have barely had time to think about Christmas. This year, it is important to refrain from making comparisons to any previous Christmas celebrations you have put on or been to. Our expectations can be so high with wanting to maintain traditions, that it can make us feel flat knowing this year may be a bit different. Be kind to yourself this year. - Being selfish is okay
The excitement of gift giving during the Silly Season, always places some unwanted pressure on us for purchasing the perfect present. We need to remember that the perfect present doesn’t need to be expensive, it is the thought that counts! If you are feeling the financial strain, take a step back this year and make some homemade gifts. It is okay to put yourself and your needs first during the Silly Season. - Be aware of family dynamics
No family is perfect, and with Christmas comes family members coming together who may have differences in opinion or values. If you are hosting your family Christmas, take note of the possible family dynamics and develop strategies to reduce the stress on yourself with having to deal with any challenges that may present that day. Strategies include reducing alcohol intake, minimising conflict and tension, by having some family Christmas games prepared! -
You are enough
For some, the Silly Season can bring on feelings of loneliness. It is important to remember that you are enough and deserve to be happy this Christmas! If this is something you or a loved one may experience, encourage them to reach out to others. The community is always a lovely place to connect with, at Christmas. Opportunities for volunteering will assist with connecting with others and leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside!
If you are wanting some support with coping through the Silly Season, visit our Facebook page at for some helpful tips, or contact our friendly reception team at Progressive Psychology on 0477 798 932 and book in today J
Bianca Bartling is a Provisional Psychologist at Progressive Psychology.