Behavioural Activation

What is Behavioural Activation?
Behavioural Activation (BA) is form of psychological therapy used to treat depression in adults, adolescents, and children. BA is essentially just as it sounds – the process of activating behaviours. BA aims to increase the level of engagement in activities, by focussing on activities that are pleasurable and meaningful to us. This is done by replacing negative and maladaptive behaviours, with positive and enriching activities. By doing so, individuals can develop connections with themselves and the world again.
Vicious Cycle of Depression
The vicious cycle of depression suggests that inactivity leads to depression, which generates further inactivity, as seen below. A decrease in activities, can lead to a lack of motivation and enjoyment in everyday life.
How does Behavioural Activation work?
Behavioural Activation is taught in an appointment that is delivered either face to face, over the telephone, or via video conferencing. The initial step in the process is about understanding the vicious cycle of depression. Secondly a psychologist will help identify negative behaviour patterns, and how they are exacerbating depressive symptoms. This can be done through the form of activity monitoring i.e., recording activities completed throughout the day, and rating the activities pleasure levels. The next step is about collaboratively developing positive replacement behaviours. These behaviours or activities should be easy to achieve and rewarding/meaningful to the individual. We are more likely to want to do something that makes us feel good, than do something that has the opposite effect.

It is important to note that behavioural activation does not just focus on physical activities, the activities are individually tailored. Therefore, activities that are pleasurable and engaging for one person, may not be as effective for another. The activities do not have to be exhausting or intense, it is about doing something that YOU enjoy.
Following are a list of different activities that one may engage in to help reverse the vicious cycle of depression through BA.
- Going for a walk/run
- Painting your nails
- Baking or cooking
- Having a shower
- Playing an instrument
- Going on a picnic
- Singing or laughing
- Gardening
- Reading a book
- Going to the gym
- Talking to a friend over the phone
- Re-watching your favourite movie
- Cuddling a pet
- Listening to music
During the COVID-19 pandemic Victorians have experienced extensive periods of social isolation, and withdrawal from their usual activities by remaining indoors. Many have struggled with regaining our motivation to get back outside, and complete activities that we used to once enjoy. If you feel as though you or someone you know may benefit from learning about and being supported to engage in Behavioural Activation, please contact the friendly reception team at Progressive Psychology on 0477 798 932.
Bianca Bartling is a Provisional Psychologist at Progressive Psychology.